SBP Conservation of Wild


7.7 bi llion huma n population on the planet. But yet we are facing issue of showing concern and commitment towa rds the wild life of our earth which are actually co existing & equal members of this pla net but still we can't seem to protect them.
Ou r forests are the home for more tha n 80 percent of the species of pla nts, an imals & insects that exist on this pla net. And due to deforestation, it has been ha mpering lives of so many that depend on these forests for their living. We are losing our biod iversity at a very fast rate.We have been losing biodiversity due to changes on land, water, climate change and poll ution.
The growing human population & the changes that we can see in the consumer lifestyl e, increasi ng waste and pol lutants which are been rel eased in water leading to contamination of water and loss of water life, habitat destruction, degradation, overexploitation, poachi ng, hunting, poll ution and climate change is lead ing us to losing our wildlife.
We need to bring policies to regulate the cutting of trees, reforestation should be promoted, protection of the forests and wildlife by strict polices, utilisation of forest prod ucts i n lim it. We need to manage our forests sustaina bly.
The harm that is been caused to the wildlife has such major effects on the overal I existence of this world. Wildlife hel ps in ma intai ning the bala nce of nature. Ki lling of carn ivores leads to an increase i n the number of herbivores which in turn affect the forest vegetation, thus due to lack of food in the orest they come out from the forest to agricultu re land and destroy our crops. They provide the stability in the nature.They hel p in maintai n the ecological bala nce on the earth .
Hu ma ns have been ma ki ng mista kes that can't be undone and that has costed us the extinction of so ma ny species over the course of so many years.These animals are a very importa nt pa rt of this ecosystem so loss of any one of them leads on major effects on the pla nets without us noticing.
We as an organisation want to educate the people, education comes i n play for all our problems. When the society doesn't have the knowledge of what's happening when they kill the habitat of the ani mals, birds, fishes. How their home is been destroyed by us hu ma ns in greed of our own comfort and wa nts. We need to be able to rectify the mista kes that we have been committing from the past so ma ny yea rs. We need to take charge as the times are getting worse.
Every single on of us need to ta ke action in overcomin g this problem. We can hel p by adopting ani mals, vol unteerin g to donating money or time in helping clean beaches, forests, recu ing anima ls. We can help by speaking u p for animal rights and asking all to pledge in and stand ing up against ani mal trafficking . We can get responsible by not consuming products that are made of endangered ani mals. Recycling, reusing and restoring can go a long way.

A chance to live a life which ensures equality and helps in shaping the society to see, talk, understand and believe in changing and choosing a path to ensuring that every individual has an equal prospect that helps in creating / bring growth, development, improvement, positive change or the addition of physical, economic, environmental, social and demographic components.

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