`INDIA´, Bharat which is derived from Sanskrit which means "devoted to light as against
darkness". Light can be seen by how far we have come in the last 7 decades. We have
Emerged as one of the largest economies, gaining diplomatic clout, leaping into a digital
future, Emergence of the modern Indian multinational etc but Darkness still prevails in the
society in forms of Poverty, Illiteracy, Inequality, Gender discrimination,
Unemployment, Regionalism, Casteism, Violence against Women, Reservation,
Corruption. How is it that such major issues were left untackled rather been viewed with the
utmost importance?
SWARNA BHARAT PARIVAAR, TRUST, a voluntary organisation which started in 2010 has
been working towards the objective of recognizing these issues and fighting to end these
problems that exists in the society. Choosing an impartial and unbiased path in developing
and attempting to starting a revolution. A revolution which is bigger than us. A revolution
which brings all communities and its people for standing together and fighting the core
issues as 'ONE'.
A vision to build a society where no one should have inferior life chances because of the
family they were born into, where they come from, what they believe in, or whether they
have a disability. A society where its instilled in every single individual, a vision in building a
life which gives equal opportunity to every single one out there.
A chance to live a life which ensures equality and helps in shaping the society to see, talk,
understand and believe in changing and choosing a path to ensuring that every individual
has an equal prospect that helps in creating / bring growth, development, improvement,
positive change or the addition of physical, economic, environmental, social and
demographic components.
Every individual has the right to get to live a life which is been entitled to him by exercising
the human rights that are right to life and liberty, freedom from slavery and torture, freedom
of opinion and expression, the right to equality and dignity, the right to work and education
and many more.
We want to serve the Nation by severing the ones who can't do it for themselves. We believe
in caring, supporting and protecting the rights of every human, whether children, elders,
handicapped, women in rural areas. We deal with problems like poverty which in real has
some major more bigger effects such as unemployment, lack of basic services and income
reflect on their lack of education, malnutrition, violence at home and outside, child labour,
diseases of all kinds and all these problems are the core issues prevailing in the country.
The aim is to develop India in an overall scenario. And tackling the core issues with
dedication to bring in a REAL change which will help in the developing and bringing about a
social change that allows people to achieve their human potential and the potential of our
beautiful nation as well.
A chance to live a life which ensures equality and helps in shaping the society to see, talk, understand and believe in changing and choosing a path to ensuring that every individual has an equal prospect that helps in creating / bring growth, development, improvement, positive change or the addition of physical, economic, environmental, social and demographic components.